International Solidarity in History, Theory, and Practice
A roundtable discussion featuring J. Kēhaulani Kauanui (Wesleyan University), Jasbir Puar (Rutgers University), Radhika Sainath (Palestine Legal), and Robyn Spencer (Lehman College & The Graduate Center). Moderated by Jessica Stites Mor (University of British Columbia).
African Kings and Black Slaves with Herman Bennett
A discussion of African Kings and Black Slaves: Sovereignty and Dispossession in the Early Modern Atlantic (Penn Press: 2018), featuring author Herman Bennett (History, Graduate Center CUNY) with discussants Christopher L. Brown (History, Columbia), Mamadou Diouf (African Studies and History, Columbia), and Sibylle Fischer (Spanish and History, NYU).
For the Love of Humanity with Ayça Çubukçu
A book launch and discussion of For the Love of Humanity: The World Tribunal on Iraq (Penn Press: 2018)